Mon. Jan 6, 2025, 10:45 am.
It is ALL conspiracy .. because it is ALL a LIE .. marketing? .. public relations? .. IT IS ALL PROPOGANDA! But for sure something AVOIDED in our TWISTED "education" system! PROPOGANDA!! Stop being the sheep follower of PROPOGANDA twisted to ys EVERY SINGLE day in bits and bites. Shifting attention from Luigi .. we might join and BOYCOTT .. twisting New Orleans to Terrorism when it seems an American who just could not TAKE IT ANYMORE like the vegas Trump guy. Wake up people .. we either join TOGETHER and quit accepting crap lies .. or we die .. very soon! At least REAL Humans will .. oblivious Zombies will remain in the Digital Dystopia THEY created. Not paying attention has cost us our Humanity AND our civilization. This is End Times .. unless we IMMEDIATELY TAKE BACK OUR CONTROL OF US!
PS reading this great Bernays article makes me go back to curious ?intuition from my childhood. Is my daughter right to remember I said my Dad liked Hitler? I am swiss GERMAN and was always curious what the REAL truth was about Hitler. I did know that was all WAR propoganda but never had a chance to research. Although my son did say I would never find REAL truth. Sad meh .. when we give up TRYING to find truth when eRECOGNIZE it is NOT ALLOWED to be out there. Being reminded of the evil of this man BERNAYS, and his work I am now pretty sure the holocaust was EXAGERATED, just as now Gaza DEATHS are diminished. Netanyahu is a greedy EVIL warrior with no mind or "heart" .. why would America support him?
Guess it all connects back to the war and TAKING OVER the WORLD. Do the Jews not own most the media? Interesting vehicle for Propoganda!for the benefit of Jews. They are probably those few families that corneal us? McKinsey makes sure the remaining wealth perpetrators fall in line. I do not know what I am talking about .. but we SHOULD listen to our intuition when it comes to good vs evil. Since ALL is twisted PROPAGANDA and it is next to IMPOSSIBLE to find truth .. Intuition is really all we have! You are lucky I always believed my INTUITION, and OBSESSED over it. Like Heart disease was blamed on FAT so farmers could suffer loss, NOT PROCESSED FOOD CORPORATIONS CAUSING INFLAMMATION of ALL Dis-eases. (Hah! Now we just did the same thing again .. blame COWS for ? methane warming, instead of US TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for waste and disrespect. We are amazing mind controlled baby sheep! Don't yell at me .. DO something about the real REALITY!
Just AMAZING the stupidity we fall for. Then again they made sure to FRY our brains, to make the game NOT FAIR! Stupid people are easier to control, so they MADE us stupid and sick thru processed food INFLAMMATION! WAKE UP. Stop eating their crap and maybe our brain wiring will grow back? Meantime, LISTEN to those of us who still have Right brain THINK wiring. Listen, Learn, THINK, Reconsider and discuss the best solution. It is NOT a fast easy bandaid of profit! We have to start our OWN "ORDER SYSTEM"!!
12:15 pm .. re Bringing along our left brain DOER friends .. is there any hope to GET TOGETHER? .. or are we now impossibly DIVIDED. But that means the PROPOGANDA OFFENSIVE AGAINST US has totally worked! Do NOT let that happened! Was it Rodney king said .. "can't we just get along?" Sure .. stupid Left brains will say "what a dreamer", but YOUR selfish SHALLOW laziness, willingness to just go to BATTLE .. YOU .. are the very one destroying HUMANITY. There will be NO CIVIZATION thanks to your lazy irresponsibility. GETTING ALONG is hard work and you are LAZY! Unwilling to slow down listen learn rethink! and discuss to COMPROMISE! OMG we are doomed. Zombie digital dydtopia .. suicide or death by addiction or COP! Call us terrorists but we can no longer handle your CHAOS. Unwillingness to "get along" Left brain desire to battle will leave earth devoid of REAL Humans!
This RANT is because 2 things are VERY depressing. PROVE ME WRONG PLEASE! Apparently a security company in New Orleans tried to help in ?2019 and even then the different groups involved with Bourbon Street "collective" could NOT get together on security. (I totally disagree with "security"! Instead we need prevention of people falling into such rage! .. a FAIR society where you can TRUST and HOPE!) Do you really want to be secure everywhere? ie searched and enter by lineup? That is not natural .. not a NORMAL Life! But that would mean 2 sides arguing. Sounds like these people could agree on NOTHING, not even a side?! Just Previous to this sad fact, I heard blog comments on a buffalo fire of a bar from 1934 burning. People were not mean or cruel .. but the PURE DISCORD (lacking HARMONY) was very telling. You can not even speak to each other civily in this immediate historic loss? Wow .. that was scary (see Buffalo rising/ Mulligans).
Do not dare come here and talk to each other disparagingly like that! YOU SHOW RESPECT to another ideas. And you can yell at me if I myself am being too mean. Yes I say people are STUPID and crazy ..but I also say I AM, since I am also part of SOCIETY. I think Left brains take everything personally while Right brains are speaking of SOCIETY or HUMANS in GENERAL!
Perhaps the very reason some of us go crazy VIOLENT is those decades of getting no RESPECT. I think our/ their sad aloneness turns eventually to RAGE. We are sick of our deeper thinking being dismissed and devalued! It should be more HIGHLY valued than simple lazy bandaid answers of a Left brain "DOER"! Yet we were thrown in a bag of "mental illness". Maybe all us mentally ill DISMISSED and DEVALUED GENIU "DREAMERS" are revolting alone, but TOGETHER unknowingly? I always say I am an idiot in getting my life MANAGED and am jealous of those who manage well (Left brain doers). That is NOT being arrogant and is RESPECTING Left brain DOER skills. Yet the same DECENCY and FAIRNESS was never given to me. Are we introvert Thinkers revolting with violence finally? Let's get together instead and bring DECENT Real Humans along with us. Together we REAL Humans can build a FAR better society, where we LISTEN and LEARN from each other! Using our MIND and "heart" will always work better. But sadly our TOXIC "progress" has destroyed our brain wiring, no longer ALLOWING CONNECTION between us! Let's prove that WRONG The Masses are REAL Humans, hopefully the zombies just scream louder seeming like a lot? 🤔 ..🤓