Friday, Jan 10, 2025, 4:00 pm
The drop down is a FAIR ORDER SYSTEM. We need ORDER. It was supposed to be democracy so the we the people could ALSO get a FAIR shake .. not just the RULERS. But alas.. same old .. worse actually. There are MORE rulers, and they do not need to be FAIR .. but WE do. there is law and order for us .. but not for them. Proven today by Trump getting off on 32 charges. That was infighting between the power people .. he probably should not have been charged to begin. But all this is OUR TAX $$ and OUR TIME for ORDER being wasted!
Everything in life is DUAL. We must calculate the balance, find the MODERATION of FAIR. Yes, we the people have NOT been treated FAIRLY! The Founding Fathers are turning in their (some in Phila?) graves. BUT WE have given all our responsibility away. We quit THINKING and KEEPING at least some control. We gave all away pretending that voting once every 4 years would get us a kind caring "DADDY" in charge. Were we idiots? The people in charge .. goverenmt and CORPORATIONS care only for their OWN well being!
We use data to inform our instructional practices and decision-making, ensuring that we are meeting the individualized needs of each student.
This is happening FASTER and FASTER! My daughter I am only now realizing has changed a LOT .. and only in the last years! There used to be quiet times where we were not BATTLING at war. Now I swear it is EVERY 5 MINUTES! The toxins are destroying our TOTAL human Health and making Human existence so hard! She probably struggles to magae as well but hates to share because it makes her look weak.
"Education" is a joke. Young people would know about McGilchrist "Left Brains are destroying CIVILIZATION" and I could have helped promote the evil of sugar in the 70's. When we were getting close to the "gluten/sugar inflames" evil .. all of a sudden they grabbed covid to DISTRACT us. Division and distraction are the name of the POWER and control Structure
Once you learn about Edward BERNAYS (probably connected to evil McKInsey consulting) you brain will REALY be FRIED at how STUPID and irresonsible SHEEP we have been. Now most Left brain Warrior Doers will in their SIMPLE way .. attack me. But a lot of us still have a deeper RIGHT brain Hemisphere for THINKNG, contemplating why? and how it could all work BETTER
The more I think how EVERYTHING was a con job, mind control! .. the more enraged at the EVIL I get. Women's LIB was not for equality, it was to REDUCE job availability. If there are 1/2 as many jobs, management canbetter CONTROL a worker. You are lucky to get a job, do not ask for more pay! Damn I am a slow learner .. STUPID!. Women's Lib that WE were not screaming about was the biggest CON propoganda EVER. Disrespect for HOME MAKERS! and moms made us feel like we should work. I thought inWAS being self absorbed to think my Home Economics was the most important course all of a sudden DISRESPECTED.
But I was totally RIGHT! Stress of 2 jobs will break up the family, another great plan to keep the broken masses UNDER CONTROL. I STUPIDLY thought women's Lib was a HUMAN thong! yeah right! I thought men would now ALSO get treated more fairly. if they preferred staying home with the kids great, the woman can work. BUt there is a normal difference between MEN and women. Men are built to be the provider and women like a protective man. Men today who're nice and kind to women are then NOT RESPECTED by the libbers! NOT Fair. Do not get me started on SLUT clothes! Do you "girls" HATE men. You are heartless, CRUEL even! Men are men .. can we not just be HUMANS Together first! That is our community so if you are not always HUMAN FAIR first .. go away!
WE have been MARKETED, or BRAIN WASHED into every change of society! This ABNORMAL focus, ONLY on CONTROL and PROFIT, has now DESTROYED US. END Times are not coming .. they are HERE! Nothing is NORMAL .. but natural is the ONLY thing that survives, because all is CONNECTED in NATURE. DISRESPECTFULLY screwing up, messing with just one thing will inadvertently mess up EVERYTHING!! I am done guys . Listen to me .. or die. 🤬 Help us RIGHT NOW make this happened .. or REAL humans are dead. Only ZOMBIES mindless, Heartless "beings" will remain. Digital Dystopia is NOT Human Civilization.
WORST TWIST CON was SHARE economy .. uber and airbnB most evil greed EVER!! horrid!
You can not be "HEALTHY" unless hirer you live is FAIR, decent and CALM. Our lives are no such thing today!
OUR NEW ORDER SYSTEM ACCOUNTS for EVERYTHING we need for TOTAL HUMAN HEALTH. Screw stupid $$ .. so much is FAR more important. A smile COSTS nothing .. but sometimes it can save the day!
Fri. Jan. 10, 2025, 5:00 pm.
WE SERIOUSLY expect no trophy or our name o a building .. am right ONLY Lfet brains want the ? they want 1)profit, 2)power, and FAME, HONOUR for their great success!
A right brain I think just thinks of OTHERS .. the common and greater good NATURALLY. It is just NORMAL EXPECTATION! This is why people who say "homeless? .. HIS problem .. he should have worked harder .. like me!" are ALIEN to me .. I kind of hate them because they have gone from mean to cruel! Next is EVIL. let's just hope a TON of CEO's are just SHEEP to McKinsey! That they will certify as FAIR and sponsor our RESOCRACY community. Do NOT be conned by all the crap initials PRETENDING to do good stuff. They are all CONJOB lies. Do not dare work with us and then end up with some scam. When people raise money for cancer by running GUESS WHO DID ALL THE WORK and KINDNESS? YOU! the sponsor Corp did bugger all! So many cheats, cons, scams it is better to be ..
It is worse than I thought. They are not even AWARE of the Ledger accounting the 3/ 6 /9. The world is mostly stuck ONLY in the ME/ mine here now. That is merely the tip of the ICEBERG and neglecting th more important 90% we are headed for a terrible crash! We neglected ALL the iceberg of work .. and only cared about the tiny tip .. the ME! mine.
More than simply Left brain constitutes our Character. I simplify my daughter and family as Left brain. That is too simple. Sadly my daughter and I are POLAR opposities on everything that makes us worrier or WARRIOR. A warrior attacks to protect, while a worrier worries about EVERYTHING and is definitely a PAIN to have around especially for someone who simplifies and just wants to get the Jon DONE.
Sorry but that is my GENIUS! I connect everything .. very slowly .. I am a dumbass "genius"! Because everything is a question for me .. "why?", "but then ..", "what if ..". But to a Left brain or warrior this is EXCRUTIATING and either childish OR egotistical. HMM .. if she does not understand am I a childish loser? but if it kind of makes sense, now I am EGOTISTICAL? I don't undeersatnd .. I just feel NO MATTER WHAT I SAY .. I am wrong. I think Left brain warrior SIMPLIFIES so all these questions are very confusing and THEY feel we are putting them down. Luckily I must remember my poor daughet and I are just POLAR opposite on EVERY scale or spectrum that connects to what I have called Lfet Brain. (but so does McGilchrist .. re DESTROYING civilization. I am taking it deeper by CONNECTING all the SPECIALITES above. UNLESS WE START TO RECONNECT OUR HUMAN INTELLIGENCE .. we are dead!
Damn it .. at the beginning of the interent NOBODY :LISTENED. We could have had UTOPIA! We could've connected everything in a HUMAN TRUTH ENCYCLOPEDIA and just built industries around FIXING everything and built a "FAIR" CONNECTED ADVERTISING-LESS SYSTEM of UTOPIA. I was so excited but nobody listened. I did not then realize visionary inventors that want UTOPIA .. fair for all is NOT the REAL System. Law and order and EVERY INDUSTRY is a JOKE. The only thing every single industry does is create profit for them. The few purely evil or alien RULING Families set it all up amd McKINSEY teaches our shepherds under the guise of a STOCK Market and capitalistic economy. Capitalism is great .. it lets us dream of and often get success. But GREED Capitalism and destruction while making money is almost DONE destroying Humanity. WE either start over FAIR Certified" or we die .. we are IN End times. And dream on if you think we have even 10 years! I think REAL humans who think of the common and greater good will get so UNHINGED we will escape with addiction, suicide or death by cop and more and more mass murder! cars are weapons .. enraged at unfair we could do a lot of DAMAGE. But instead let's find the still HUMAN CEO's and get then to JOIN us in a new FAIR system. You can make 20 million while we barely shelter .. BUT, you can not harm us or our human Home .. and you must treat us RESPONSIBLY with respect! Or we need a LAST WAR .. YOU .. selfish shallow (zombies) are the ENEMY. ONly people who have a MIND and "HEART" deserve to live. apologies to my family.
We foster an inclusive community where all students feel valued and respected, and where diversity is celebrated.
We believe that family engagement is critical to student success, and we work closely with families to ensure that they are involved in every step of their child's education.
We invest in the ongoing professional development of our educators, ensuring that they have the latest knowledge and skills to support our students effectively.
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