we the people
Sat. Jan. 4, 2025, 7:30 am
A Turtle is SLOW, finding TRUTH among TWISTING and pure lies is slow hard and needs patience and a THINKING MINDSET. An Octopus connects divergent arms, in our case IDEAS. The only way to TOTAL Human Health, quality of life for our HUMAN FAMILY and Healthy HOME is to connect all around us .. connect ideas, systems people .. The slow Turtle is our head but our arms reach EVERYWHERE to connect EVERYTHING. CONNECTION of ALL things is how the cosmos was DEVELOPED. Whoever the CEO DEVELOPER was he knew what he was doing, BECAUSE EVERYTHING WORKED! Today nothing works because ALL is DISCONNECT!
Turtle Octopus REAL Communication, TORC .. the new medium of REAL communication where we listen to and CONNECT all ideas to EVERYTHING. a "fact" can affect us personally, psychologically, socially, geographically, cosmically (nature?) organizationally and philosophically. Never mind politically .. that usually involves TWISTING for POWER and CONTROL. Our organization has ONE mission .. FAIR .. to the most people .. the MOST, Harming the least people .. THE LEAST. Sadly our DUMBOCRACY has devolved from FOR "we the people", to FOR those powerful in CHARGE. We have sadly become modern slaves. ARE we going to revolt? First we will try BOYCOTTING .. do not work for or buy from UNFAIR companies as MUCH as you can. Sometimes you just have to eat .. but what about the many who now are beginning to strike? They are sacrificing! Why don't we HUMANS just all strike together.
We do not have time to mull and think about slowly! We are losing our value as we speak. A drone, robot or A I does not COMPLAIN about FAIR. THEY will get rid of us as soon as they possibly can. Employees that are DIGITAL are completely their MINDLESS slave. They have almost DONE turning us into MINDLESS SLAVES. Sugar PHYSICALLY fried our brain wiring and the SCREEN fried our brain ?mentally .. twisted us into submission.
Actually DO WAKE UP! (Woke is another stupid way of twisting us! we do need to start PAYING MORE ATTENTION. Get aware of what is happening. Anybody SCREAMING .. is not really thinking! The screamers ALL simplify. The REAL Humans are more quiet .. and have been yelling 911 EMERGENCY for years many decades even. Phillip K Howard .. 1995!! Death of COMMON Sense! THINK .. but FIRTHER into the onion layers not just the SHELLS of divided screamers. Think to get to the HEART of the problem, the heart of the onion. A LAZY society of CONVENIENCE just grabs the 2 outer shells and screams at the other. Gun/ no gun crackle shell vs more elastic inner ONION SHELL. Peeling thru the onion layers slowly is the ONLY way to TOTAL HUMAN Health .. quality of life for ALL our Human FAMILY and home.
buffalo rising comment section .. NOT .. bad humsa .. smarten up .. be decent civil!!
Maybe I am wrong .. maybe the first 2 only came to mind when I went to university in the late 60's. That was an amazing tumultuous time of CHANGE to live through. The answer to all these questions can be found in sugar and processed food that fried our brain. Once people are SHEEP those in power have all the control. We need to rebel, throw out this win/ lose SYSTEM of their's and create a new WIN WIN "ORDER SYSTEM for "we the people". the Founding fathers are crying in their graves. PHILA! let's do a "DO OVER!" TOTAL Human HEALTH for we the people. we all CONTRIBUTE but we all receive. You can be 100 x more wealthy .. but NOT by harming ANYTHING. Harming others or our home INDICATES EVIL. We Must declare the LAST war .. good against evil! Join our FAIR and decent new "ORDER SYSTEM" .. or we will have to kill you.🤬 ..😱
Sun. Jan. 5, 2025, 11:30 am.
As young kid I wondered why would you build the cathedral for your soul (your body) with brown sugar water? When THEY saw how addicted we got they thought "we can sell more of everything, if we addict those silly sheep!" Eventually THEY realized sugar (and the 56 names they developed to hide it), actually FRIES our brain wiring, and steals our will power IN EVERYTHING! As long as sugar destroys our health, THEY realized $$ signs for drug BANDAIDS everywhere. I mean finding a cause creates NO profit but COSTS money. No WONDER we never look for CAUSES!! God have I been STUPID! Instead of eliminating the cause they INCREASED it .. and created profit bandaids for every disease they created by INFLAMMATION! An EVIL Vicious circle of HARM! Evil deserves to die, it is not HUMAN.
incomplete .. Later destroys brain .. therefore media must TWIST or plain LIE
sugar fries brains .. all problems! media TWISTED do poor health is the best of cll .. keeps us controlled plus huge profit. no wodner they need robots .. we will be too sick .. yet still consume! But no job"
"WE the people" became only CONSUMERS, not humans. We became vehicles for profit and the power that comes with wealth.
Daddy? every 4 years .. childish and irresponsible .. because brain FRIED
BOYCOTT! vote for everything every day!!
We foster an inclusive community where all students feel valued and respected, and where diversity is celebrated.
create HUMAN stock exchange of our personal VALUE .. our expertise are.
new industries.
Mckinsey is the evil consulting firm that promotes "productivity" and the increase of stock value. They are just also BRAIN DEAD like us .. only instead of just wanting a good life their brain sees NOTHING but the tunnel vision of profit and increasing stock value. Hopefully these are the still REAL Humans we can talk into FAIR certification and sponsoring our new RES-OCRACY .. each member of our SYSTEM being respectful of ALL outside SELF (not just a ME/ mine focus!), being PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for our HUMAN Family and homeland using ALL of our many Resources in a far more conservation mindset. Res-ocracy is based on FAIR and calculating REAL value not simple (quite STUPID) mere .. $ value. The COST of everything we allow is FAR HIGHER than the stupid price we pay! We created a toxic soup and wonder why we have cancer and all manner of problems. wonder ? but too lazy to search for answers and FIGHT for better!
Anytime we suggest something is not working for us, the masses .. or if we QUESTION anything .. they say we are "conspiracy theorists". Face it .. EVERYTHING is a conspiracy! Every single system you thought was made to help us .. helps only THEM .. THose with the power and control over us. The government only works with the corporations. Education does NOT educate, Health is CARE for profit, The economy is a stock market that STILL goes up, while we can not eat AND pay rent. All the young people I know have 2 jobs to pay off tuition, that gave them NO good job as promised.
Every time something TRUE .. FINALLY sneaks out .. there is a big created problem to smother it! I waited 40 years for the truth to come out about the Fat causing heart disease LIE. When Harvard's lie FINALLY came out, not long after we got covid terror. I mean if fat = Heart disease = a lie what else is, we would start to catch on. FAT caused farmers to lose sales and profit .. while corporations went on causing diabetes and all disease though INFLAMTION .. still allowing them to profit. I guess I am so angry having GREAT intuition yet not trusting it and being a stupid SHEEP instead. Do you really think an old Home Ec Teacher from the farm, is the type for spreading crazy ideas? NO .. wake up .. PAY ATTENTION. So So many tried to explain the evil of sugar INFLAMMATION .. but it was always smothered! Profit from disease, plus fried brain sheep is wonderful for those in power. Please bring your people .. together we can finally TAKE BACK CONTROL!
Mon. Jan. 6, 2025, 8:30 am ... Buffalo Rising "comments" on Brick Bar fire destruction. This animosity,"yelling" at each other is NOT ALLOWED on our discussion board.
Do not DARE converse like this or you are out of our community! I know these Buffalonians are sad and angry and worried, but yelling at each other when you are ONE ALLENTOWN Family .. is stupid and goes NOWHERE! Just like WAR. Yes, we disagree .. but RELEARN BEING CIVIL. We have lost class and civility thinking it is freedom to be INDIVIDUAL. SCREW individuality .. we are a HUMAN Family! Forgetting that is making us REAL Humans EXTINCT!
And in our community .. NO FAKE Names .. real people TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for their words and RESPECTING others when communicating! This MANAGES all our resources BETTER, calms us down knowing we care TOGETHER!We learn by LISTENING, not taking the other DOWN! And then, we can actually WORK TOGETHER to solve the problem! Respect is of HUGE value in our "HUMAN Stock exchange". (Hah .. is that why I hate most people? I had great ideas but got no respect. GO ahead and Think I am a silly dreamer .. but no need to TAKE ME DOWN! In fact it is what creates the hate and war! We are stuck HERE TOGETHER! Do we really want to DIVIDE on EVERYTHING and scream from opposite sides? Do you really think that ACCOMPLISHES any SOLUTION? Only the loudest most selfish screamer wins, and then us FAIR people want to kill you. NOT SANE, or smart at all I suggest!
BUT .. this is how we bah when we have no TRUST in anything .. we do not believe anything will be FAIR so there is no hope. Perhaps when we lose our HOPE we just yell at each other? PLEASE. let's try a new way. Maybe we separate into a DEBATE! of 2 sides .. but debates were CIVIL and respectful!
Do we even CARE about saving HUMANITY. Is it too hard .. too much work? I fear so. Jimmie Carter warned us in 79 and nobody listened. HAH! I am wrog .. REAL Humans lidten but the Twist media was already at work. Just like they TWSISTED Luigi right out of our mind by focusing on how BAD we are to lie his looks. They focused our feeble minds on drone FEAR instead. They probably already di that with poor Jimmie in 79. But now it has becoke so so mcyh worse. Sugar fried brains plus total media twsiting our focus is destroying HUMANITY. Pay attention and ACT NOW or we REAL HUMANS are EXTINCT
Our FAIR is REAL .. no crap scams and cons like CSR, ESG and HR. All of these were only meant to APPEASE! GOOD Humans even wanted to only INVEST in good companies, yet they were conned. OMG!! Brilliant idea .. get these conned GOOD Humans ,, REAL Humans wanting FAIR for all of us, GET THEM TO INVEST> OMG ..never thought of that before. Would EY (polycrisis attention!) help us build a HUMAN Stock Exchange MARKET of shares? I always talk about how it will always INCREASE if each of us contributes MORE each day than worry about taking out. WHEN B F invented INSURANCE it gave people peace of mind. Our Reverse world gives US peace of mind. Like a family we contribute but if we have a bad time we are NOT homeless!!
Sun. Jan. 5, 2025, 5:30 pm.
The menu will be VERY simple, little choice .. focused on HEALTH and INEXPENSIVE to recreate at home. WE have become ridiculous with our entitlement and expectation of EXTREME and excess. WE can simplify, reduce and conserve NOW or have no choice when the collpase soon happens. Much more fun if PREPARED. WE do not even realize how RIDICULOUS we have become. IN the 60's we had about 12 meal choices. WE survived just fine!There were 3 choices of Ice cream .. choc vanilla and strawberry, 2 and then 3 TV channels to choose from. Maybe 3 beers and you BONDED if the guy was ordering the same as you! WE managed just fine! All these choices are a great way to DISCONNECT us from each other. besides half our time is wasted MAKING CHOICES of350 CRAFT beers. Yes .. it would have been lovely to have local made choices but our constant fall back .. is EXTREME. ENJOY EXTREME .. zombi dystopia or come back to Natural HUMAN .. NORMAL EXISTENCE vs just stupid. Sorry I am old and have far BETTER to compare to. If you have been MARKETED into believing this is better .. you will soon destroy HUMANITY and civilzation. I guess you will live like in Star Trek? I never watched because it seemed HORRIBLE. No Trees? no Water or ART or meals with fried s or family. A spaceship looks like NO LIFE to me. If I am WEIRD I will soon know. IF others would prefer NORMAL to CRAZY EXCESS too .. Let's get started!
I guess this is where I add tech for people talking to each other ? ..once I get that MONEY partner .. I have run full on OUT of $. 🙈 😢
Maybe it is a "contributorship" exchange. But here is a great example of ADDING to our HUMAN Life Ledger. This DR gives each baby he births a First Birth celebration, was it 5000 he has now done. (start about 15 minutes in) I wonder how many of those parents were REMINDED how important their job was, to make that child feel loved and important, BECAUSE OF THE CARING DR who birthed that new HUMAN. I do not mean the "parents" of unparented horrible kids of today .. who think the world revolves around THEM. I mean REAL Responsible Humans who know there are others we can affect positively .. our negatively with neglect. I bet they treasured that video he gave them.
If we each contribute whatever we can every day life for all will be better. We have a lovely Concierge who brightens all our days with her Beautiful caring smile. I asked her does she never feel mad or sad or worried or tired?? She said yes but does not let it take over the day. What great thinking! Why we are sad is bad enough minus from our Life Ledger .. why let it steal EVEN MORE of our time and energy! If a problem when it is time to solve it THEN Pay attention to it .. the rest of the time put it aside. Sadly my daughter has said the vey same thing, but from her I just feel yelled at. I have to quit being sensitive .. maybe be less sensitive around tough people (Left brain Warriors). But we need our gated community because Left brains think only SELF. They have fun and are easy going .. until we get in their way .. then watch out. Left brains will not contribute to the common and greater good STOCK EXCHANGE because they are for SELF "me! mine, here, now"
THEY get the credit ..
we do the work of PROVING OUR IDEA WORKS .. Total Human Health for all!
RULE #1 .. get rid of that cell phone!
a cell phone is not life itself! Ww actually managed to find places, meet fronds with NOTHING .. but a clock ad BRAIN! I don't mean no tech .. just not when you are our in human CONNECTION. Put that damn screen away! Are you even AWARE how STUPID it ismakijg us. Frst sugar physically destroyed our brain .. now screen are collapsing what is left of our INTELLIGENCE! Information and A I is NONSENSE! Connecting ur human knowledge our special skills that is what's important! We no longer invent! We are entrepreneurs with some new idea for PROFIT. Never mind make life work better and BE BETTER! So just wanted to make it clear besides BOYCOTT .. your face has to be in Humanity .. not stupid 0 and 1's! Maybe the RULE is NOTHING EXTREME! Which means we have to do EVERYTHING different since our brain seems to ONLY go to EXTREME. Excess and extreme are always evil!
That is the rule in our gated community .. plus be FAIR .. using the new VALUE accounting in ALL our Life ledgers. WE/US, Time/ space, me/ mine .. AFTER the common and greater good. WE each contribute but we each receeive from our community. Each person puts IN their skill or talent to our "bank account" LIFE LEDGERS, but in return we get shelter, food and some fun. Once we get our NEW ORDER SYSTEM Careers started, then we will have an "ECONOMY" OTHERS PAY INTO. Rememebr my economy is based on HOME "economics" but he family is the HUMAN Family. I know little about THE "ECONOMY" .. but since it never worked FOR the people .. who cares.
Sometimes the less you know, the easier it is to build different and 🤓BETTER! You contribute, you receive. for me if I can't contribute I do not want to take from others .. unless the have 400 billion $ for them. I doubt he would help us with our DIS eases, so we may eventually have to "war" him. WAR is a good word .. con soldiers into going to battle for THEM, who take none of the fall out. THose who declare the war stay out of it and feel NO QUILT, while the soldiers guilt destroys them! PTSD is still not really studied!In our gated community of you are Bruse springsteen and everyone wants your concert you can certainly be more wealthy. But I guess if our REVERSE World is only for REAL Humans .. we would not be able to sleep if we had 5 million $ while others thru no fault of theirs were starving. Most who starve are NOT lazy .. they just hav been given less resources of VALUE. Not caring to worry about others is an AMAZING resource. = Why Left brains are in charge and destroying civilization. Mcgilchrist link
Sun Aft, Jan 5, 2025.
Replacing DUMBOCRACY and greed capitalism with RES-OCRACY works better for ALL. And the Founding Fathers can REST again, knowing we are back to a "FAIR ORDER SYSTEM" for "WE the People". A win/lose TWISTED game is not what they planned! When EACH of us takes RESPONSIBILITY things can work FAR BETTER. WE all use the new ACCOUNTING SYSTEM to calculate REAL Value for our Human FAMILY and home. We EACH invest so we have MORE resources, and LESS toxins of ALL types. Our Human Stock Exchange will increase at all times, IF each of us takes responsibility for INCREASE instead of the decrease we have lived with for 70 or 80 plus years! Instead of a consumption society we become a society of RESPECT and CONSERVATION. We can chose yes or no but if it is no? .. REAL humans die .. very soon. Oblivious zombies caring only for SELF "me!/ mine, here, now" ONLY destroys civilization. Do you want HUMANITY continuing or Digital Dystopia of ZOMBIES .. MINDLESS, heartless beings devoid of human SOUL? WE may have to have a LAST WAR. But first let's try to bring them to OUR WIN/WIN side. If you have no mind to THINK more deeply .. just LISTEN, LEARN, Reconsider and do what we say .. or we will have to kill you. 😈
RES-OCRACY .. no more DUMB-OCRACY allowing greed Capitalism ..
If we EACH work toward saving Humans and a DECENT Common Good CIVILIZATION, we need only a PERSONAL ORDER SYSTEM .. no Laws and commandments! Each of us works for the common good and each of us recevis a decent quality of life. Each of our divided systems do NOT work as promised. EACH is twsisted for THEIR profit ONLY. By throwing out all our systems for ONE ORDER SYSTEM based on TOTAL HUman Health we will have REAL education, REAL health (not care!), a REAL ECONOMY of jobs that help all of us and a REAL "government" voted on by each of us in EVERY area. With some VISION and INVENTION the Blockchain can allow this!
Our New careers will be in new areas of REAL Health .. TOTAL Human Health ..
Our NEW ORDER SYSTEM is based on all the factors we need for Total HUMAN Health. All careers and the economy we build, consist of creating our NEED for ..
What would you rather have .. another art nail manicure, longer lashes and another new outfit? .. or the 9 Factors we NEED above. Time to wake up and step out of crap.
To be healthy we need far more than Kale and yoga .. we need connected HUMANS around us to also feel valued and needed. Every crime and DIS-ease comes from INFLAMMING something whether physical illness, or disconnect and hopelessness. We can fix our crumbling real "TOTAL HUMAN Health" if we connect and work together .. sharing our "special" instead of focusing on SELF in shallow oblivion.
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