TUES. Jan. 7, 2025, 7:30 pm
SEEING the huge job ahead to try to fix the mess .. we have to take a break .. breathe and quiet our busy mind. Think ofanything HOPEFUL, imagine it is REALLY POSSIBLE and then breathe deeply just to let your stressed and strained muscles relax. ASI write my NECK is worst ever ever! I decdied my Theory of EVERYTHING Total Human HEALTH was AMAZING .. but that means I must SELL it somehow to SURVIVE! I swear the pressure IMMEDIATELY tightened a neck muscle and ALL DAY I have been unable to move me HEAD. VET PAINFUL. I can research and write 18 hours a day .. but sell? 😱
TRied napping, need a massage but too far in this freezing cold AND no more $$!
Wed. Jan 8, 2025, 5:00 pm
As I was writing about NATURE .. or that NORMAL will always win in the end, I looked up if there is some Law of Nature? You know if it rains you will get wet, if fire envelops your house it will burn down, if you do not get rid of weeds to begin, they will grow and multiply (but we just poison them never thinking AHEAD .. that those toxins end up in our WATER! 🙈) I did not understand what I found (TOO ?high class intelligent for me) .. but I learned about philosophy. Hmm .. guess incas kind of right that Thinkers who want to understand everything tend to be introvert and rather outsiders. So that is why I feel on the wrong planet?
For those of you who also feel outsider, or at least are worried about our future .. I think if we quit wasting and got back to RESPECTFUL and CONSERVING of all we have been given .. god (the creator) would maybe take PITY on us? I bet if we smartened u and managed our resources with more CARE and respect ... human, nature .. not just money and stuff we OWN .. I think god would give us another chance?
So even though I said nature is boss over us (stupid sheep 🙄 wasting and destroying everything) god could say .. "they are finally WAKING UP and being more responsible". When I said there is a LAW of nature .. it is not really true. There are so many things recently that just make no sense and I can NOT find the reason .. why something happened. You know like when someone has incurable cancer yet to goes away, darn I need to remember those events. One was a tie falling off my purse zipper c;alsp. The TIE was still TIED!! How the frig can it fall off when it is still fully closed?? Pure magic. Will add pic later. So unexplainable things can happened. there is magic!
Wed. Jan. 8, 2025, 5:30 pm.
Why did the "Law of Attraction" fall out of fashion? Says something about our SHALLOW society, eh? I suggest you study the work of Wallace Wattles from 1800's. Hah of course he too was taken out of context! damn .. never thought that until now! My God, humans just get uglier the longer we are around, eh. We have stolen EVERYTHING from everybody .. but taken it OUT of context! (Natives, everybody!) I think Wattles book was "The SCIENCE of getting RICH". Will check but pretty sure his FOCUS was .. once you are RICH .. now you can REALLY help people. I can rant about wanting to help .. but without money it is just a bunch of dreams! He was taken out of context as an EXCUSE to get rich and BE GREEDY! Now we live in a FAME = "success" era and all success is just BANDAIDS of PROFIT. Nothing is a REAL Solution!
So of course our mission in life is pushed as just "more money, more stuff, more fame". We are plastic and inauthentic in every way. Correction .. the LOUD screamers who want attention on SELF are plastic and inauthentic. We always must hope there are actually MORE of us quiet REAL Humans with more depth and SOUL. We can take over the world and make it so better, than just the LOUD shallow "success" of MORE. Those few power and control families that mind control us, use those shallow screamers to make us confused .. and think we too want that too. Do not let them twist our brain! We want a FAIR decent society were everyone has a chance to feel secure, valued and able to live with LESS stress. Beware .. most things that can be USED, are taken HALF only, so they are OUT of CONTEXT. Mcgilchrist says Left brains USE. So true! once you underatdn everything starts to make sense! There are people who only want to WIN. there are others who want EVERYONE to win. We will all contribute, but then should get FAIR in return! Meditation for centuries was part of a RESPECTFUL society. Western society just take the part that suits our purpose .. the SELF! We just USE what suits us and leave off any HARD responsible part! We take phiosophical arguments down to FAST and EASY. See wattles.
RE Law of Attraction .. I have seen things that make NO SENSE happened, like asking for 8 months to get my car back from the TRASH .. and I DID! .. how CRAZY!! I called it my magic car (more later ). Also very strange how in Phila Nyc .. when I am just so POSITIVE because I am happy THERE, not sad or worried, just probably EXPECTING good without even realizing it? .. it was like MURPHY"s LAW .. REVERSED!! Whatever could go RIGHT .. did! Just AMAZING! So our focus and energy vibration can bring us good!! In this end times WORRY and FEAR this is HARD. But god DOES want good for us .. we can ATTRACT IT! By Using his law attracting good .. just like GRAVITY works! pretend it is just like gravity. EXPECT we can do this .. and we will! we want to make life better for people so of course the creator will help us. This beautiful earth should not yet turn to a void of digital nothingness! Let's do it .. prove my daughter WRONG. We ARE good people .. NOT ego and evil like those who like to TAKE US DOWN say.
Sat. Jan. 4, 2025 7:00 pm.
Struggle with a family and friend connection you BELONG to SUPPORTING you, makes ANYTHING so much easier. What about facing the struggles ALONE. Can you not even admit that would be HARDER? And if you have an easy going personality that is less SENSITIVE, struggle is a hundred times easier. You will have half the trauma because you do not even notice noise or smells or wind or too many people around. Being less SENSITIVE is a HUGE RSOURCE. Being EXTRA SENSITIVE makes life very difficult. But I guess we should just get over it? So how about you get over your INABILITY TO THINK and be a little more deep thinking. SEE wider and further! Oh? you can't? So then if YOU can't it is not IMPORTANT, eh? A "being" who focuses only on "Me! mine, here, now" has such and easy life. No wonder you "succeed", with your bandaid solutions.
With a supportive family and friends too .. of course you are the ones in charge. YOU are the power and control that we sheep bow to. Let's quit! We Thinker/ worriers quit working for you and buying from you. Surely you would lose 30% of your employee pool, and 30% of your customers? Surely 3 of 10 people THINK? I hope? But we sheep would have to stick together NOW .. and say "NO MORE BLIND FOLLOWING!" WE are SMART but our will power has been stolen with the "sugar brain fry" of processed food! Let's take back our POWER, our self CONTROL, and go a new way.
and yes .. I AM jealous of their"pot of gold" luck! Maybe they have more supportive family and friends because they are less troublesome. We thinkers are TROUBLE, always wondering and asking questions and looking for better ways. 🤔 hmm .. yup .. so the average masses just STAY AWAY. (are you listening miss T? Of course not .. she would not get past even the first GOOD paragraph.)
Maybe this did not belong here? YEs .. it does bec I spent years JEALOUS and wondering why god hated me .. giving me no family or support. 😢 US .. CONNECTING Together is a HUGE tool of support for all of us! We create our own HUMAN Family with local CLUBS. We will replace what we missed out on in related family or friends, with US REAL HUMANS working together! Right brain THiners tend to be LONERS and can become HERMITS. It is hard to see where we are going the wrong way .. alone unable to communicate. NOW we have a connecting force! And we will make local chapters were we ACTUALLY connect. NO PHONES ALLOWED!! 🤬
I think I hate positive people, because they call me NEGATIVE. yet I am trying to SOLVE PROBLEMS! Not FAIR. Because they are not deep THINKERS .. they never stick around long enough to LEARN how we can make change. Sadly unless they sart learning from us .. we REAL HUMANS ARE DEAD. A Positive person can be a ZOMBIE. We may have to murder the zombies destroying civilization, but first I hope we can get them to come to our NEGATIVE side sometime TO FIX THINGS! hah .. SEPARATE .. we are dead. Civilization becomes oblivious zombies in Digital DYSTOPIA. But if THEY can come to our NEGATIVE REALITY to work on solutions we can SAVE HUMANITY! EITHER of us alone extinct REAL humans.
Yes we thinkers are negative .. seeing problems questioning dreaming. Somehow ACTION Left brains ignore our dreaming! Unless they are willing to come into our imagination and dream of BETTER SOLUTIONS humanity is over. To survive we slow THINKERS must step into their positive ACTION Side just to breathe and continue living. But unheard there will come a point where we just overdose to escape plain out kill ourself OR I fear like me in a rage murder. (I have no gun car or explosive knowledge so don't worry. Guess I have to STRANGLE people? But I am an old white "lady" out of shape.) So that is why I need your joining the last REVOLUTION (Boycott)
where? Tues. Jan. 7, 2025, 5:30 pm.. Jimmie Carter lying in State Ceremony .. What a different man from us (Selfish? shallow? today) .. he waimple, modest, humble, kind and caring, generous to the very end also of TIME and connections! We have so many things VALUE tools or resources .. not just $$!
We have to go back to the behaviour of the GREATEST GENERATION. Boomers were the start of THE END! The Greatest Gem KNEW how to sacrifice, be responsible and show respect. Without those we have NO ORDER .. lots of power and control .. but no ORDER in Life. I think life from Great Depression to the 50's was better! Once we started with the CONVENIENCE and then got totally extreme civilization's qua;ity of life declined faster and faster.
REDO .. Mon Jan.6, 2025, 5:00 pm
HAH! Brilliance ! 🥸 I think I FINALLY get what REALITY is!! It is DUALITY!! REAL REALITY has BOTH good and BAD. If we are Worriers, or Right Brain Thinkers We see problems because we question everything and want things to work PROPERLY! If we are Left brain DOER Warriors, we just want to HURRY UP and get things done, we have no time to stay in the NEGATIVE weeds. WE just want to WIN and the best way is to be POSITIVE. That damn Law of attracytio works so well for people who feel CONFIDENT and DESERVING. But if you still have a MIND and "heart" to SEE the world around you .. you are not so SURE of yourself OR even the world. If you have a Right brain you have doubts and want to FIX them.
So there are 2 realities .. the worry of the Right brain Thinker creating a more negative picture, and the "relax, get over it already" (me! mine, here, now!) focus of the Left brain DOER. BUT "REAL REALITY" is BOTH of these together! So the real REALITY is DUALITY .. both and .. bot POSITIVE AND Negative!
back from from Sat? This is why my sites are hell to follow .. I keep adding new ideas from collecting and CONNECTING!
The 2 REALITIES .. heaven vs hell right here in front of us will destroy us! Hell is what you see when you see all system collapsing and people being very SELFISH and SHALLOW! These selfish shallow tunnel vision on "success" or WINNING people are the cause of ALL our problems. THEY are the very source of our DIVISION and demonization of the OTHER. YES! They are right we Thinkers DO have to think more positive, look at the GOOD in life. But them ignoring the bad, the causes and the consequences of shallow thinking and fast action is why CIVILIZATION is collapsing. So we rather hate them .. because they demonize us .. the very people who want to do GOOD .. and see FAIR for everybody!
Because I see problems AND WANT TO FIX THEM .. I am ".. so negative", ".. think I am god", and "want to be a dictator". I have heard that my whole life and now .. YES! .. we will each be GOD (like), a dictator of FAIR and DECENT REAL HUMANS! Please listen and then go out and LEAD! teach a new System to anyone who will listen. We will create an awesome TEMPLATE of a new ORDER SYSTEM in Phila and then it can be replicated by all who see it REALLY DOES WORK BETTER .. when we listen to and LEARN from each other!
BOTH .. AND can be true. THEY are jerks, but we are jerks for not calming down and letting the positive wash over us a little. They are lazy and selfish but we have to get that way for a bit just to cal back down and start to work in a POSITIVE LIGHT. WE are BOTH RIGHT in everything but have to find the BALANCE in moderation between the 2 OPPOSING IDEAS!
To get through the MESS we have created in every single area of life, we need to BALANCE and step out of THAT REALITY and use the skills of those who are more easy going, more able to focus on the good .. yet still BEING A RESPONSIBLE CARING HUMAN HOPEFULLY. SIMPLY Ignoring the BAD in society, is unacceptable .. because it is that very LAZY IRRESPONSIBILITY that got us to this collapse stage of humanity.
To SURVIVE, we "Thinkers" must learn to PIVOT to the GOOD side of the "REALITY Pendulum" ANY TIME the REAL World gets too much.
Sat. Jan. 4, 2025, 4:00 pm. ..
This is maybe WHY we introvert THINKERS have no support system .. it takes work and attention! We worry about the "WE/US" Ledger constantly, neglecting "me/mine". This affects family too! They are forgotten about! I always thought I neglect me .. but I also neglect my kids by not STOPPING .. just LISTENING, staying OUT of we/us and past/ future view. We need to eb Myopic with our family focused only there!
#1 .. "Stay curious about people you love" hell it took me FOREVER to realize by not looking after myself I was also NEGLECTING friends and family! I knew NOTHING about my kids really. very sad. So I guess I am a yerrible mom .. although I have gotten worse and worse more and more ?driven. Our Total HUMAN Life Ledgers are we / us, time /space, and the only one we focus on ME! mine! by neglecting ME I also neglected mine .. my poor kids. But I only realized this once I created the accounting system and saw my great mistake. If we neglect our SELF we probably are also prone to neglect those we love! Perhaps it gets worse and worse with age .. or if we get MORE OCD?
Sat. Jan 4, 2025, 3:30 pm.
GENERALIZING lets us COLLECT and CONNECT things. It lets us ORGANIZE ideas, create some kind of ORDER in the trillions of ideas mulling around. WE have to be very careful of CONFIRMATION BIAS. I look forward to those who come together for my ideas .. letting me know if I am FALLING INTO CONFIRMATION BIAS or too much generalizing.
But it really seems EVERYTHING points the same way with our brain! Some of us are fast DOERS, some of us are slow DREAMERS, designers, visionaries or inventors. it used to be our brains were BALANCED in this way .. but we seem to have lost much of our brain wiring. Our imaginary "progress" has certainly created a toxic soup that has destroyed ALL normal. Unfortunately NATURAL will win in the end. We will have KILLED OURSELVES with all manner of toxins, but eventually nature will rebuild itself. Like in spring when you wonder how the green can regain control over the brown DECAY! So too god's nature WILL survive us. 😁 (that was well written!!) Here are the brain research ideas that all seem the SAME. I SIMPLIFY to Right vs Left wiring.
I am not a specialist with expertise anywhere! just have lots of questions. But SOMETIMES that is BETTER because each of these specialists get stuck in their tunnel and do not connect like philosophers do. Sauer said something about good/ evil can be psychology, sociology, geography and politics, or even cosmic/religious questions!
No wonder I am always confused!! so may questions! But why does no one listen to my Neve ending work! All the problems in the world can be solved seeing humans as either BALANCED BRAIN which is NORMAL .. More of a MANAGER, just wanting to gt Jos down .. or more of a questioner wondering why things can not work BETTER instead of same old. This is a generalization .. a simplification which I HATE when Left brains do it!! They are doing it for speed and completion .. NOT trying to create order from so many questions! WE are dying, humans are being EXTINCTED because we no longer CONNECT ideas. Everything is separate and SPECIAL. This too was probably purposely done. University became more and more specialized. ECONOMICS connects to society, to mental health (psychology), to POLITICS and even to PHYSICAL Health! We can have all the kale smoothies we want as we exercise with yoga .. but if e have no job security we will NEVER be truly healthy! Everything connects. Simplifying or generalizing let's us see the world more clearly .. when it is not done out of LAZY IRRESPONSIBLE selfishness!
So there again we have DUALITY!! I have mostly rated how evil the simplification of left brains is. But simplifying to generalize for CALM vs LAZINESS is GOOD! Nor is it racism or MEAN. Say for example you go to Jamaica and everybody is laid back and less stressed. Then you meet Jamaicans here who also are more easy going. We might generalize and say Jamaicans are Happy go lucky easy going. A Shallow mean person will TAKE THAT OUT OF CONTEXT and say we said Jamaicans are LAZY. truth is we may be jealous because it seems they sutely have a smarter way of handling life! TWISTING is not acceptable in our REVERSE WORLD. Twisting does not allow FAIR which is pour watchword. GET OUT .. if you will not put FAIR behaviour first (yike Uda!)
Sat. Jan 4, 2025, 5:00 pm.
we need to generalize to REDUCE confusion and chaos of the OVERWHEL and OVERLOAD of ideas .. especially with the internet. One of our biggest new CAREERS will be ORGANIZING information back into COLLECTED and connected INTELLIGENCE. We got lost in our WORSHIP of information. Information is NOTHING. Even KNOWLEDGE is suspect. ONLY connecting EVERYTHING into our system of TOTAL HUMAN Health .. or base quality of life for ALL .. really matters!
Mon. Jan 6, 2025, 6:00 pm
I just talked to a lady in line at Tim's. It started with how the doorcalways opening for no reason was making everybody cold. Told her re SKILLED door opener and going thru building to leave the heat inside at my regualr Tim's. We agreed if we all just kept our HUMAN VALUE bank account in mind at all times Life would work SO MUCH BETTER. BUt then we realized NO MORE .. the PHONE had destroyed all hope for that. When we are I public we belong to our HUMAN FAMIL connection! PUT That Damn phone and ear stupidity AWAY! No? You are banned from our Better world! OFF the PLANET with you!
Wed. Jan 8, 2025, 2:15 pm.
WE dismiss everything, either LAZY and irresponsible .. or just too overloaded and overwhelmed trying to survive to pay the rent. If you are busy wasting time with "influencers" and wasting time on NONSENSE like (History not HIStory, off the planet with you!) start putting that time into
Don't be mad at me for yelling at you .. because I do the same as I yell about! 🙄 .. 🙈 apologies but WE better SMARTEN UP! I was just hating on Trump sayong it is Gavin Newsome's fault for the terrible wildfires. I was thinking that man thinks he is such a genius in everything .. such confidence to always blame EVERYBODY ELSE. Come to think of it .. does he EVER HIMSELF take blame for ANYTHING? No he just demonizes ANYONE who is democrat. Yes Liberals are just as bad POEER and CONTROL seeking .. but at least they are the elastic INNER onion shell .. they think a Tiny bit further. What we want is to go down into the HEART of the onion thru all the layers to find the REAL truth so we can determine a solution!
Maybe extreme plus elitist ENTITLEMENT is the cause of most problems? It translates to LAZY and irresponsible DISRESPECT!
I do not usually read normal people .. what do we know anyway. But this guy (Steve Taylor) is just pointing to nature to explain why California is actually to blame. I was wondering why it is the RITZY areas have it worse. I guess their emtelement makes them think natural and NORMAL does not apply to them. Sorry guys .. whether you own a 5 million$ house or not >> NATURE is more POWERFUL than you. NATURE (normal) always wins. I guess it makes sense clearing the dead leaves and twigs from dry conditions so there is less to get the fire started. Sorry trump. But it is very UNCLASSY LOW CLASS! to call him "newscum". If we could only return to the class and civility of the 50's. We live in such ?slutty times, even the way women dress. You dress for WORK .. not going out to a bar celebration!! silly girl. And then you accuse men? You must HATE men! very weird. I hate that I am a grandma having to yell how UNclassy we have become. "CLASS" is a word we do not even KNOW! Steve Taylor cares enough to try to TEACH us what he has learned. We need to SHARE our "knowledge" so we can build human INTELLIGENCE and wisdom. We seem to have lost both because it is NOT fast and easy. And I need to remember to ALWAYS learn more before judging .. sorry Trump, but please could you speak with some CLASS?
If Highrises destroy community, create shade and wind tunnels the extra housing probably is not worth it. WE need to find specific VALUE numbers for each of the things we need .. and those we feel are TOXIC. When the toxic exceed the positive .. the action should NOT be done! SIMPLE! Nope we see $$ and away we go. Action Doer beings se no consequence and care nothing about cause. YE the money for police could save so much terror if we invested in FAIR to all. We will all CONTRIBUTE but a win lose system BREEDS anger, resentemt and eventually RAGE. beware the rage that is now coming. It has been too long we have been dismissed and even DEMONIZED as Mentally Ill. Yup thinking is stigmatized because we QUESTION stupidity and why NOTHING WORKS!!
Screw the fake Casino "stock market" we have. More important to our TOTAL Human Health or quality of life .. is a nEW STSTEM .. HUMAN Stock exchange .. a REAL Value system that ACCOUNTS for EVERYTHING. A Kind SMILE can be worth a million $. A supportive ear can be worth 2 million! Those things have no $ value yet can prevent a mass shooting or suicide at the right moment! Have we forgotten the community and society also make up our TOTAL HEALTH? It is not just kale and yoga mantras create REAL health! Community and society BELONGING and feeling valued are probably MORE important. The stress of Despair creates all manner of PHYSICAL pain.
REAL life is hard! But we have forgotten we need to CALCULATE value . We only look at time and $$. This has destroyed us. There is so mcc more than increasing time and having MORE to GET MORE. For most of us today there is NO QUALITY of life. Screw middle class, I would be happy just not needing to worry all the time , and being able to TRUST ther is some ORDER to life.
There is good and bad right and wrong to most everything. DoNOT just stay on the good side because the BAD will destroy us while you sit around. Left brains who act without thinking thru the duality (right/ wrong of an action) will always create ONLY bandaid solutions. This habit of being is now collapsing all systems!
Finding TRUTH and REALITY is hard work .. just like being FAIR is. To work toward the common and greater good will always be more TROUBLESOME than sticking with ME!mine! But now we have created END TIMES. Humans used to work together! even tribes put their heads together. This division is a recent thing. Even in the 60's even80's Government was not so divided. NEITHER of them care about "WE the PEOPLE". we have only a little time before AI, work from home, and delivery destroys all jobs. No job no food plus homeless. I think us working together NOW for a template communitiy of FAIR RESocracy (instead of DUMBOCRACY and greed capitalism) .. would be much less of a struggle!
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