Total HUMAN Health will give us well being or base quality of life. This is the mission of our work! Not just Healthy people vs diseased and drugged PATIENTS in a CARE System but TRULT HEALTHY HAPPY CALM citizens!
Sat. Jan. 11, 2025, 2:30 pm.
When you are Left brain, a warrior, more selfish and shallow .. life works quite well. You look after yourself, maybe friends and family .. and without the worry of others on your mind you succeed. You are the bosses, managers and WEALTH.
Those of us who think a lot because we are more sensitive, are slower to act. We want the common and greater good to ALSO win. We usually lose the "success competition" by thinking rather than just ACTION. The doers win, we DREAMERS lose. But fast thinking only for $ or WINNING, is just a BANDAID. REAL SOLUTONS need understanding of CAUSES and consequences on We and US Life Ledgers .. not SIMPLY "ME! and mine, here and now"
For Thinkers or Worriers (vs WARRIORS), seeing injustice is destructive to our Total Health. It would seem "Life is not FAIR" perhaps DESTROYS Right brains who want WIN/WIN not lose. Are we the addicted, wanting to escape? or do we escape by suicide? .. Or finally ENRAGED .. resort to mass murder or death by cop? It seems to make sense. Luigi was definitely a Thinker .. but from WEALTH, which is very interesting. Wealthy kids usually grow up SELFISH and SHALLOW by their nurture?
In a CIVIL society "FAIR" seems to me a NECESSARY basis of ORDER. Since they discovered sugar fries brains and they recognized "MARKETING" (Bernays) could be used to control the sheep's desires FAIR has escaped the human equation. Now civilization is collapsing. (McGilchrist: "Left brains have destroyed CIVILIZATION" on Unherd) Left brains are selfish and shallow (evil? "greed is good"???) and caring only for the SELF destroys all that is natural and NORMAL in humanity.
Sorry .. selfish shallow people must be REMOVED. 🤔 OUT of our gated community? OFF the planet? War declared? Revolution murdered? .. unless they stop destroying humans all that may be necessary .. SELF defence. They CREATED END TIMES!
Those of us who are STILL HUMAN .. REAL Human with a MIND to think and a "heart" to FEEL (empathy!) will get TOGETHER and work to build a NEW ORDER SYSTEM .. one that is FAIR .. and win/ win for ALL. Of course selfish shallow beings immediately call that COMMUNISM. Suspicious .. probably not candidates for membership in our community. Capitalism is fine .. GREED capitalism is outlawed and PUNISHED with ostracization
With THINKING we can find the OPPOSING ideas and with discussion we can calculate the VALUE of the opposites. Which help the most humans the most, which has the most harmful toxins harming the most
Sat. Jan 4, 2025, 10:15 am.
Anything that has a BUT is not yet true. Maybe my daughter and most people hate me because I ALWAYS have a "BUT .."! I guess because they do NOT (can not) Think deeply I feel bullying and ABUSIVE to them! Life would be so much easier thinkng LESS! so then I get JEALOUS of "those people"! The beginning of WAR. I have always said if I could figure out what makes my daughter and I dislike each other .. we could stop wars. Everything I say is just a DREAM .. but in the end it really ens up true. you know .. INTUITION speaking. I think we should pay far more attention to our INTUITION! Except for where I STUPIDLY expected things to work for "WE the people", I always needed up right. (example)
Tues. Jan. 7, 2025, 7:30 am
MEDIUM has a lot of great articles. This by Janet Stilson re the "ideas"(lies) we are fed.
"How do we stop that from coming true? (listening to LIES.. see article) By funding media watchdog organizations and investigative journalism initiatives that are intent on the honest-to-God truth, no matter how painful it might be to understand. And it also involves paying attention to where our sources of information are coming from and understanding the agendas of those who disseminate it.
It all gets down to my passionate belief that there is no more precious a commodity in this world than the truth — understanding what’s real, and how the influencing capacity of media companies can devolve into thought control." thanks to Janet and my looking for Rodney King's BRILLIANCE, which surely beats "all we need is love" so shallow! Love is DAMN hard! It requires LISTENING and compromise.
Sat. Jan 4, 2025, 1:15 pm.
The onion is a perfect paralell to our life. There is a conveyor belt of onions (problems) being thrown at us. Right brain Thinkers want to go thu every layer of every onion to find its HEART (understand TRUTH). But doerLeft brains just want to hurry up solve that problem and move on. But simply taking the crackle shell or the opposing inner skin only gives us bandaids!
Duality (things being BOTH right AND wrong) and TRUTH are hard to deal with. t is FAR EASIER to grab one idea or fact and run with it. There are always BUT .."s and this frustrates doers. Dreamers wonder about everything, which does not allow the job to get dine. "Just do it already" is what they say to us SLOW as turtles thinkers and DREAMERS. Right brain left brain could just be DOERS vs Dreamers! My Ex got so frustrated .. "just DO IT already!" Whatever I need to do it requires 100 decisions none of which get done! So my poor family just got confusion and chaos from me. IF we only had all KNOWN this opposing behaviour decades ago, surely it would have helped. At least we would know why we did not LIKE each other!
We do not think about DUALITY! If we did there would be so much LESS conflict. And I am realizing I am way worse in being BIASED than I thought
I disagree with some of this, but other totally agree .. EASIER to walk away and say he is/ WAS a crazy Trumper. Yet in a society so BUSY and stressed we almost HAVE TO walk away from things. Who has TIME TO THINK?? Just silly old RETIRED people who stole everything from the young! and they are too selfish to do it!
Sat. Jan. 4, 2025, 3:15 pm.
PRODUCTIVITY became and evil MANTRA. PRODUCTIVITY th means to profit. When Friedman invented it he NEVER expected it to destroy the health of stressed workers, create toxic plastic and waste with destruction for the purpose of MORE consumption. Prdutivity! make it as cheap as possible so it falls apart and must be just "BUY AGAIN!" He never expected brain dead corporate leaders to NOT THINK of the consequences of BRAIN DEAD PRODUCTIVITY. Things that used to last me 2 decades now last 2 years. How can you not recognize that kind of waste is destructive of EVERYTHING. Since everything in Nature connects, not only will you have no resources left to create waste with but the toxins you dispel will destroy us too!
But PRODUCTIVITY is not BAD! only our desire to take EVERYTHING to excess and EXTREME IS. PRODUCTIVITY could really be another word for CONSERVATION .. preserving waste! .. which we need! Make your employees your leaders and educators. If they are working to not WASTE, the company WILL be more productive! Instead you take good employees and give them the job also of a lesser employee. That is no productivity .. it is HUMAN SUICIDE. The humans who used to run companies are brain dead and no longer manage with COMMON SENSE.
HAH .. is this why I hare rich or successful people. You are not ALLOWED to have such comfort if you got it by harming others IN ANY WAY. That includes ONLY looikng after you and IGNORING who you knocked down along the way. You say you hurt no one .. BUT .. be oblivious and UNAWARE does NOT count. So living in your beautiful existence, do not DARE say I should be more POSITIVE. YOU .. got the "pot of gold" of life! Good genes (nature), good nurturing (belonging and connection) and the GOLD of a positive viewpoint to life. But if you can not SEE others are not so lucky you have lost your HUMANITY! A REAL HUMAN WITH MIND AND "HEART" UNDERSTANDS NOT EVERYONE GETS "THE POT OF GOLD"! LIFE IS FAR HARDER IF YOU ARE SICK, HAVE NO CONNECTION AND FEELING OF VALUE, AND ARE A MORE THOUGHTFUL RATHER THAN EASY GOING PERSONALITY! damn sorry for caps. So you are ONLY ALLOWED yoru "success" and wealth if you UNDERSTAND it is not so easy for many! Sorry if you DISMISS ME .. saying "you should work hard like me. Just stop whining" I will have to kill you.👿
How dare the wealthy who have the "POT of Gold", (nature, nurture, plus are easy going) look at us like LOSERS! There is our where our WAR lies .. THEY are the enemy! Those still human PEOPLE and CORPORATIONS will join us as SPONSORS of our new "TOTAL Human Health" ORDER SYSTEM. Those FAIR certifying companies who JOIN us are the REAL Humans who still have a MIND and "Heart" to SEE not everyone has the most important resources of all .. health, family and friends, and a light hearted character. Without that "pot of gold" life is very hard. probably this is where suicides, drug overdose and also RAGE and mass murder are found. WE can cut down ALL of those struggles by working TOGETHER finding FAIR for the common and greater good in all our BEHAVIOURS. The FAIR "ORDER System" find a new accounting SYSTEM that calculates the MOST good for the most and the LEAST HARM for the least in the least way.
Using this new calculating REAL VALUE System, TOGETHER we can save humanity. Divided with no working together, REAL HUMANS become extinct .. replaced by MINDLESS HEARTLESS ZOMBIES in digital Dystopia. These soulless "beings" are UNABLE to see the damage they are doing to civilization. For their own prit and power they are destroying the HUMAN Family and our HOME. Their Left brain focus is devoid of seeing future consequences. Sadly they are "MIND BLIND" but murdering us slowly. This is sadly why they must be eliminated, in SELF DEFENCE of REAL Humans. If you are stressed SELFISH and SHALLOW just in the struggle to get by, please STOP and join us. Listen to our ideas and follow them. being connected with REAL humans you will find some of your right brain THINING wiring again. My whole family is probably on the GAD GUY side. I hope many will see the LIGHT. MIND BLIND will kill real humans. Do you want to live in ZOMBIE DYSTOPIA? Not THINKING of future consequences, finding "profit bandaids" instead of cause will destroy civilization .. and very soon!
damn did I add this in the wrong spot?? confusion .. see productivity above!
CONSERVATION .. the WISE use of resources! Could we try that again .. only do it RIGHT this time? That will only happened if corporate heads still have some RIGHT Brain THINKING wiring left, to use. If not .. please JUST LISTEN to us .. and LEARN! Use our work and save your self, while saving REAL Humans! (beings that look like Humans but are just shells, missing a MIND and "Heart" only LOOK like humans. They are only oblivious ZOMBIES!
Living with Zombies in Dystopia is ALREADY very boring to those of us who SEE. Screaming Left brain opposition, accomplishing only faster decline is becoming very FRUSTRATING and enraging. You do understand politicians are mostly LEFT BRAIN. Power liberals are not REAL caring just shallow pretence! Beware corporate heads and power structure out only for their OWN benefit. If there are others like me .. we are losing our mind and ready to EXPLODE. Our lost patience and exploding RAGE, may just finally destroy YOU.🤬 😱 😈 This will be the LAST war or rebellion, just good against evil, evil that is happy to HARM others to win for SELF. The selfish shallow gone evil has already destroyed too much! Murder and war is NOW only SELF DEFENCE of REAL humans.
If we do all the HARD work to find TRUTH .. now we can TRUST each other. But this takes layer after layer of dicussing opposing ideas. We have more and more become a society that worships fast and easy. Our god is the GOD of CONVENIENCE. When I was little we had an OUTHOUSE, no running water or furnace! We had to wring clothes with a roller automated by ARM energy! .. and then hang on line to dry. In the winter or rainy weather you wore clothes LONGER .. no ability to dry them. When I moved to my wealthier sister's farm there was a BATHROOM and thermostat! When I moved again to another sister's village, there was TV!!
I think I ran away from "home" for that TV as a brat 16 year old! That was the early 60's and the beginning of the TV DINNER! Nobody even talks about how that was the beginning of processed food and the END OF REAL HEALTH! Previously I had already been fascinated by the ?stupidity of everybody drinking BROWN sugar water. "Give me a coke so I can destroy the CATHEDRAL of my soul .. my body." I have no idea why at 9, I already knew coke was evil! They expanded that sugar water into ALL foods! My First Conference after university (Home Economics!) was sponsored by SUCRALOSE!! which is now proven to cause all manner of malady! McDonald's was just beginning and processed food began taking over! It was promoted as fun .. a treat but we got addicted and started living with it as our health continue to decline. WE did not pay any attention as it destroyed our brain wiring.
My intuitions were always RIGHT .. just that I lived in an alternate universe somehow, that paid no attention. (My idea of the internet? .. a PAID connected library of Human Intelliegnce .. best encyclopedia ever! The END of advertising! UTOPIA! .. 🙈 .. eeie!) But over the decades we lost our VISION, as in being VISIONARY. Invention gave way to entrepreneurship which is really just an idea to make money. Turning from inventing better ways to "entrepreneurship was a DECLINE no one even noticed. But please understand the few families in charge of us KNOW what they are doing. NO ONION LAYER deeper Thoughts for them! They stop thinkng with anything that is profit or power. EXCEPT .. for keeping us powerless. Suagr and its 56 names did the physical brain destruction .. and marketing or public relations TWISTED our brain in whatever direction they wanted for THEIR benefit. Hence the fake news feeding us what was RIGHT for their control. We have lost truth! Just before covid we discovered I was right all along, fat causing heart attack was a LIE .. a diversion from sugar and chemicals in processed food. Let the FARMERS lose money in less cream and butter sales. HOW EVIL!!
I actually forgot this! At the time I thought this is why we need a DIVERSION .. let's get them scared of covid so they MISS we lied all along about heart disease. Do you understand heart disease killd more than covid did but it is EVERY SINGLE YEAR! OMG!! I forgot about this. You are letting stupid not REAL Human shepherd's lead you to your slow death! We spend more on drugs yet are the sickest country. but we are also the processed food KINGS! Hopefully some corporations are still REAL Humans and will sponsor our SYSTEM of order. They are the shepherd' that lead us so their corporation makes more profit. They are directed by McKinsey who is the marketer for the ruling families. You need to learn about this. Face that ALL the conspiaracies are TRUE. There is only ONE conspiracy. NOTHING in DUMBOCRACY is FOR "we the people". Anyone dumb enough to think voting once in 4 years gets you a "daddy" who cares is crazy anyway. I was stupid until I got out of teaching! That says something REALLY sad eh? like I said not education, not the economy, not healthcare .. none of it is FOR the people. It is purely a system for THEIR PROFIT and power and control.
WE need to TAKE BACK CONTROL NOW! Their brain is gone too and they are becoming blatantly obvious. WAKE UP! Seriously people .. it is time for the last revolution!!
Thurs. Jan 2, 2025, 4:00 pm.
Those who lack sensitivity, and ability to THINK with their Right brain wiring DISMISS us REAL Humans as desirous of being victims always blaming and taking no responsibility. HAH! So that is why those words totally ENRAGE ME!! 👿 (Seems Scarry that at almost 80 this white lady is ready to murder people! Guess with bare hands since I have no gun, car or way to make explosives! 🤬 But can you imagine the rage of people whose life is lost because of us stupid boomers that just shipped along with all the nonsense we were fed! If I am enraged at the injustice FOR others .. imaging how much MORE angry you would be when the injustice and UNFAIR has stolen your whole life! us old people had a great life. We should have a war against boomers because we surely never worried about the mess we were leaving for the young! Back to FIRST THOUGHT .. the people that say we should take responsibilty ARE THE VERY ONES WHO CARED LESS! We are whining because we think not thinkng of others is UNFAIR. They TWIST it around to say WE do not take responsibility. oMG.. no wonder I hate Left brain people! TheyTWIST everything so WE are the bad guy. Yet we thinkers are the very ones who live in the WE/US Ledger! WE consider others before we act. We want the well being of EVERYONE. But the karate guys who flip everything inside out, the left brain action beings, think ONLY "Me! mine, here, now" before every action. The common and greater good is NOT part of their VISION. They are MYOPIC tunnel vision on "SELF"!
How can you think we do not affect climate weirding? How can you be so IRRESPONSIBLE to pay NO ATTENTION to the fact that we CREATE Toxins with our shallow bandaid "solutions". I guess THINKERS have to face that Left brains are DISABLED .. and do not even KNOW THEY ARE. They are MENTALLY BLIND!! They can NOT SEE! We can not undersatdn how this is possible but it is! If we have no legs we can not walk! If we have no ears we can not hear. They HAVE noRight brain THINK wiring and are actually UNABLE to think! How many decades have I said to my family "can't you SEE .." but expecting vision, "seeing" when there are NO MENTAL EYES!! Insanity is banging your head against the same wall for 35 years .. expecting it to be a door. This is a disability .. but unlike those we try to be kind with .. this disability is DESTROYING CIVILIZATION. Fake humans (Thoughtless beings) can NOT harm the REAL Human FAMILY and HOME for the last century, and still expect HUMANITY to remain. The Harms done to the HUMAN Family and home in the name of thoughtless "progress" have reached a FINALE. Will we get TOGETHER right NOW, take back control for we the people .. or continue as SHEEP led to our own death by GREED and thoughtless ness?
goes where?
Fri. Jan. 3, 2025, 3:00 pm
Once a person has shown their selfish focus it is hard to regain any trust in them. Once we see all the con/scam INITIALS that mean nothing can we trust any power structure? HR, ESG, ?.. , all mean NOTHING .. Human RESOUTRCES is a name that suggests companies KNOW their employees are HUGE resources. Yet the REALITY is they are treated with no RESPECT. Environmental Social governence is a joke .. how could things work so unFAIRly if there was any TRUE effort to be ETHICAL? The only thing that matters in American Captalism is PROFIT and stocks going up. In our NEW ORDER SYSTEM there can be profit and increasing stock value .. but what THINKNG person wants it at the expense of destroyed nature (water! air etc) .. our HOME! who wants profit while employees becaome sick from overwork and stress? Who wants more sales while customers get ill from the cheaper version that uis TOXIC? The latest is "green washing". I do not undersatnd! if you are still a HUMAN do you not SEE if your family is stressed and sick life will NEVER be good? You can have 4 mansions a jet and yacht .. if our home and the humans around you are SICK .. what is the point??
Can we be empathetic .. compassionate as we would be if they had no legs or were physically blind? I find that very hard
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