Sat. Jan. 11, 2025, 8:30 am.
Probably the last CON JOB .. the last PROPOGANDA for a stupid sheep phone faced population is .. "DIVERSITY" HAH!! this is why I always HATED canada! First we are separtated by cultures .. a salad bowl. Truth is we do not CONNECT as a salad we are all just INDIVIDUALS flying around never HUMAN CONNECTING.
AMERICANS on the other hand were FIRST PROUD to be AMERICAN .. a CONNECTED Humanity. OH OH .. exactly why America is FAILING!! WE (Sorry in my head AND heart I just AM AMERICAN because it was a BETTER way to run a country!) have become DIVIDED in 2 on everything instead of TOGETHER PROUD and CONNECTED that TOGETHER we ran away from the usual Ruling Class. The aim of our new Ruling class is to separate us .. make us more like Canada. "Diverse" .. a bunch of divided beings NOT at all connected by their humanity! watch out America. If your pride as Humans escaping TOGETHER is lost .. so is the glory of your great country.
We incorporate the latest assistive technology to support our students in achieving academic success and independence.
We use positive behavior supports to create a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters social and emotional growth.
Our team works collaboratively with families, teachers, and other professionals to ensure that each student receives the support they need to succeed.
We support our students in developing the skills and knowledge they need to successfully transition to the next phase of their lives, whether that be college, career, or independent living.
When we CONNECT information we have, we build knowledge. But knowledge is NOT INTELLIGENCE! ALONE separated KNOWLEDGE can create CHAOS! (see "covid Faucci" not listening to Dr Walters space isolation CONNECTION .. creating far greater destruction by ISOLATING US from our need for CONNECTION) EVERYTHING in nature, all that is NORMAL connected! but in our desire to SPECIALIZE we have divided ALL THINGS. This does create deeper detail .. but if LEFT DISCONNECTED is a recipe for TOXIC DESTRUCTION! I went to a bookstore to ask if anyone had written a book about FAIR .. what is FAIR? How can we calculate FAIR for the most? Her answer was perfect. It COULD be a novel. (I guess novels can teach ideas, like Steven's kings STAND that no one listened to BUT ME! We live in the STAND TODAY! see below)
Wed. Jan. 8, 2025, 10:00 am
I guess I was 9 when I began thinking only ONE thing matters in LIFE .. and it is our health! You can be a millionaire but if SICK, uncomfortable, in pain or unable to do what you want with no strength .. no $$ matter. Yet I hated "money isn't everything" stupidity, which is fine when you have SECURE rent $ and food. No wonder we are SICKEST ever today .. that constant lack of security and stability creates such stress that ALL body functions still working properly! Right now my neck is so sore I could not move yesterday. Totally stress induced .. such pain because I am going to collapse financially VERY soon. Either I run in the wrong circles .. or it sure seems a lot are $ insecure .. and therefore STRESSED. We already have a toxic soup of "progress" to live in .. never mind adding constant STRESS!
So I am only now realizing we are full circle, like I thought as a small kid .. the only thing that matters is HEALTH. BUt I had not yet realized ALL the things I loved were ALL part of health. The majesty of CHURCH and its beautiful music, the LEARNING from our history, The community of getting that poison coke at the village snack bar, The connected family with even EXTENDED family nearby. The car was surely the beginning of DIVIDING our society! Had we used it without EXTREME, we also would not have polluted our air. Probably the one word that MOST destroyed our TOTAL HUMAN Health is EXTREME. We never looked at duality .. everything is BOTH good and bad. A I is wonderful .. but used STUPIDLY with no thought to CONSEQUENCES .. it will VERY soon destroy us. I hate the internet because if social. YET .. I should remind myself how incredibly amazing it is for me to share my NOTES of research and connection in the flick of an instant. AMAZING! Yet the disconnect of the mean social posts have lost our civility and now our humanity. Taking everything EXTREME and never looking at the duality and EVALUATING whether the BAD outweighs the good will EXTINCT us! never paying ATTENTION to anything but stupid shallow things .. HAS DESTROYED OUR TOTAL HUMAN Health and soon our EXISTENCE!
YEs the only thing of greatest importance in our life is not looks, connections, brains or wealth .. it is HEALTH. Hey we seriously think mantras to be positive, yoga , running and KALE will make us healthy. IF you do not feel compassion for those who are freezing outside today .. YOU ARE NOT A HEALTHY HUMAN! You are devoid of empathy. Thoughtless, heartless beings are no longer humans they are SELFISH shallow zombies! Health is not just physical it is Economic, emotional, social, even political (as in EXPECTING ORDER!) Why is nobody talking about this. I mostly think everybody is smarter than me but I guess I am not recognizing my GENIUS is collecting and connecting Divergent ideas! Most people do not have the PERSEVERANCE, or tunnel vision to look at the world only through the focus of HEALTH! Am I right that lack of evaluating the DUALIY of all things (both good/ bad) and simply taking them extrem has DESTROYED every area of our TOTAL Human Health. I guess once again everything in our shallow selfish society is ME .. my health .. never thinking of WE and US, the Life VALUE Ledger we have totally neglected. A Society of "ME! mine, here, now" can ONLY collapse decay and destroy all REAL humans. STAND UP NOW TO the IDIOCY .. or get ready to live in DYSTOPIA. I suggest REAL right brain Thinker DREAMER worriers will either commit suicide, or escape by drugs .. but I think we are finally ENRAGED. Why so many mass murders? I suggest the EROSION of FAIR makes us want to lash out .. time to harm some OTHERS .. there has never been FAIR to me .. why do I have to be FAIR and decent. The WORLD IS NOT!
Is this Adam Smith?
"2 “The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects are perhaps always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become. The torpor of his mind renders him not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgement concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life… But in every improved and civilised society this is the state into which the labouring poor, that is, the great body of the people, must necessarily fall, unless government takes some pains to prevent it” (Smith Citation(1776) 1937, 734–735)."
hard to follow but INTERESTING! DUMBocracy .. we SPECIALIZED or compartmentalized too much. NOW nobody can connect anything!!
GET OUT! The only way to do that today is to be OBLIVIOUS .. to pay NO ATTENTION and refuse to be aware of the thousand problems we face in our society. There really is just one problem, a DISCONNECT of all that is NORMAL .. you know there IS a naturalORDER of things and because we think we are SO SPECIAL .. the natural order still does not change. In our entitlement extremism we DISRESPECTED everything NORMAL and rpoceeded to destroy the concept. Total extreme, excess, greed thoughtless selfishness is NOT NORMAL HUMAN Behaviour. To "live your best life" in this age of the entire destruction of HUMAN society .. means you are selfish and shallow maybe gone EVIL and STUPID!
added Sat jan. 4, 2025. 9:30 am.
I get so mad when I hear this because it sounds so SELFISH. Yet .. since I decide to worry more about ME .. I feel like I am accomplishing better .. FOR OTHERS! So everything is BOTH and !Right wrong, good, bad, black white. EVERYTHINH is GREY. Life is a reality PENDULUM. Our job is to balance the good bad of EVERYTHING, and try to remain in the centre of the sides .. balanced in MODERSTION. No More EXTREME and excess. That is where HELL really resides. To moderate not be extreme but BALANCED means LISTENING learning and trying to UNDERSTAND ALL sides. very hard work ..TURTLE slow .. but if we keep the octopus arms always in mind we will CONNECT everything and that is where peace lies. Unless you LISTEN and try to LEARN from the OTHER, balance or FAIR will never be found. Without BALANCE, a moderation of 2 opposing ideas peace will forever be illusive. Peace love etc are easy shallow words. But with the HARD work that must go intoUNDERSTANDING and connecting we may get there. IF .. we can QUIT the lazy irresponsible worship of CONVENIENCE. "love" is not convenient, nor is peace. it seems so much easier just to demonize and WAR. But the result will always be hell! Are we STUPID? Yes sugar and screens have fried our brain. We ARE our brain .. so no brain = STUPID! AT least no THINKNG brain. Action without thinking FIRST will always only be a BANDAID. All our bandaids are falling off now! Get busy with REAL solutions.
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