Tues. Jan 7, 2025, 8:30 am.
what is an epiphany ?
"a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important"!!
DAMN IT! Down below I think I totally diverged again! How about you good writers write better versions of these ideas. Just as long as the FAIR is the basis .. which needs TRUTH and calculating duality value.
Tues. Jan 7, 2025, 11:30 am.
A society of convenience has destroyed us. First it allowed sugar into processed food to DESTROY our brains and will power. Then screens made everything "easy" but further destroyed our ABILITY to think carefully. We became LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE. "Love" or getting along is HARD WORK. Why would an entitled "get me what I want FAST" society want the trouble of discussing divergent ideas? Much easier to divide and then DEMONIZE than to actually THINK! Question wonder contemplate research investigate analyze evaluate .. haha those are crazy words in a society that WORSHIPS fast and easy! Yet compromise is the only way civilization works. we have 3 choices
Tues. Jan. 7, 2025, 9:00 am
Usually "oh don't be so negative .. look at the good side. see the POSITIVE in all things." Sure so you can just Be LAZY and irresponsible avoiding the FIXING of the bad. I finna;y understand why I hate positive people .. or those people who dismiss me as NEGATIVE. I am not NEGATIVE (well I guess by these day I AM. But I always just wanted to FIX things .. why do they have to never work? If we took our time to UNDERSTAND causes a problem and consequence of solutions the world would WORK!! SO stopping LAZY you Positives and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our human FAMILY and home. You are selfish and shallow thinking ONLY "ME! mine, here, now!" This MINDLESS "Heartless" cruel behaviour has destroyed humanity. Sure it is far easier to believe hard work = success, but it I just NOT TRUE.
Dismissing a homeless or addicted person as to not TRYING hard enough as YOU do .. is just evil. Your brain type and NURTURE made you believe you were important and could do anything. NOT ALL OF US ARE SO LUCKY to receive that Pot of Gold!! If we are worriers (right brain) and always concern ourself with the common and greater good .. LIFE IS HARD. WE faik becasue we get sad and ANGRY. Meanwhile you just focus on WINNING! Right brain Thinker dreamers want EVERYONE to win. We want a WIN? WIN SYSTEM. YOUR "positive" selfish shallow focus thrives. But it is while destroying all you touch in REAL Human society! Selfish shallow is so easy! OF course you "DOER" Left brains are in power, while we Right brain Thinker/ dreamers are addicted and homeless. But your CARELESS behaviour has destroyed CIVILIZATION!!DUMBocracy is just a new form of "POWER and CONTROL! Those who do not THINK before acting are ZOMBIES. Heartless Mindless being who run the world obsessed with ONLY profit and power or "success"
True! take a break to BREATHE and BELIEVE there is hope and good humans still exist! We do all HAVE TO step into the positive "reality" just to survive this hell. But only to catch our breath and calm ourselves. Then it is back to the "negative" .. the PROBLEMS WE FACE .. That we need to solve. I never understood how incredibly LAZY, and irresponsible the "doers" have become. GET to work solving problems for HUMANS .. or get off the PLANET!
It is almost too late to avoid END TIMES .. only ZOMBIES in Digital DYSTOPIA.
This was the template for one of these boxes.
"We prepare our students for college and career success by providing them with the academic and social-emotional skills they need to thrive in the 21st century."
It reminded me .. yah .. great .. if we look at a company mission it is nice WORDS but the actual "reality" is a totally different story. BUT .. I am GENERALIZING which can then be an UNINTENDED lie. I bet small companies often TRY to follow their desired mission the best they can. It is just LARGE Companies and corporations that we may as well LAUGH at their mission statement. But this has all happened in the last 10/ 20 years! Apple used to be AMAZING. Now I hate everything they do because it feels so CONTROLLING. I wonder what steve jobs spirit is Thinking? is he like the Founding Fathers ? HORRIFIED! Godadday was like my amazing business partner but they too have become twisty and not FAIR!
sad .. wanted to Partner with WAWA .. except immediate LIE .. it may be a mistake .. which is fine. Here it says 1902 .. page 1 iy says 200 year history .. which is what made me want to partner! Lies, lies EVERYWHERE! but tis one is just stupid .. so let's hope a silly mistake .. becaseu I LOVE WAWA .. just for the name and their beauty Phila hangout! Like no convenience store you have ever seen!
found in search .. NOT the word I wanted .. same old ..
Tues. Jan. 7, 2025, 2:30 pm.
It is a human problem to be biased I guess.but if we WANTREAL TRUTH so we can build solutions with it .. we try hard as we can to have a MIND OPEN to other ideas. I guess I was closed minded too! Until I saw the damage my media was doing with TWSITING, when speaking to Trump employees in NYC and his voters in Phila. Yey just listening to him for 1 hour straight on now .. 😱 I am very afraid. What happens to my can/ Usa traveland he repeats so much and really says little. He does make sense but in the vein of SUPER POWER MASTER. He sounds ready to take over the world .. even Gaza! That was the scariest .. sure help EVIL Netanyahu. I do not CARE baout the history of Israel .. just the brief oct 7 history shows UNFAIR extreme! One even spread to destroy a whole country over ONE YEAR plus!! Greed pure greed and they supposedly own all the media? fits.
But we must ALWAYS remember the PEOPLE are NOT the power structure. I adore Americans and therefore NYC and Phila. I do not like the attitude of the power structure .. America .. or what they did in WARS and with Capitalist GREED. Therefore it is STUPID to blame Jews for what their leader does. We Canadians do not want to be blamed for Justin trued. My new bottom up system where we EACH take responsibility WILL differ .. because you will be to blame since you vote on EVERYTHING. Or at least that which you know TRUTH about.
Not Yet sure of
Tues. Jan. 7, 2025, 10:30 am.
I mean if we make our SYSTEM so popular, that MILLIONS get involved with us, we could fund our own template "economy" or lives! So if everybody liked RESOCRACY and like the shallow influencers, we THINKERS/Dreamers got millions of people involved, they would probably be happy to pay 4$, 1$ per week for our CONNECTING INTELLIGENCE work. HAH .. you have like a social insurance # in our memebrship .. and CORPORATIONS DO NOT GET ONE. They have to pay 1000's $ for the same info!! 🤔 😁 We get funding for our template FAIR SYSTEM. Thing is the millions of people times ONLY 4$ is a huge # of $ for our Phila Template anyway! WE do not even NEED corporations. AND what about people saving for retirement who want nothing to do with evil companies!? They should no the ?ESG is a con and not real anyway. They would LOVE our FAIR Certification and support us with MORE than 4$! They might even INVEST $1000's. I have to start THINKING like a BUSINESS person again!
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