Our curriculum is designed using Universal Design for Learning principles, which ensures that all students have access to the same learning opportunities and can demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways.
OMG .. I saw Trump's 3? Wall St. VAULTS! If My daughter
We use a collaborative problem-solving approach to address the unique needs of each student, working together with families and other professionals to create effective solutions.
We foster an inclusive community where all students feel valued and respected, and where diversity is celebrated.
We believe that family engagement is critical to student success, and we work closely with families to ensure that they are involved in every step of their child's education.
We invest in the ongoing professional development of our educators, ensuring that they have the latest knowledge and skills to support our students effectively.
Thurs. Jan. 9, 2025, 9:00 pm
There are many factors that are similar to Left brain .. like nurtured to feel CONFIDENT and DESERVING. Those of us not so self s=assured feel LESS THAN. Then the not sensitive and get er done Left brain will speak less kindly and exacerbate the feeling of being considered a loser. I finally am trying to UNDERSTAND and BELIVE .. they do not Eben KNOW how hurtful they are .. they maybe are just .. very impatient?? If I could remember this and stay calm around close family .. my life would be easier. PLEASE please research Left brain McGilchrist (link) and Warrot worrier. You may already know some zodiac birth times do NOT get along well. If these people were outsiders we just would stay away .. when they are family it is harder. I sadly believ now .. our TOXIC soup LIFE is creating all this SHALLOW selfishness!
The image is a person who has lived in my horrible "home", a person I thought was SELFISH, rude, who felt very entitles. OMG! If you are able to READ ABOUT HER .. SHE WAS AMAZING!! That is very scary bec. I do NOT like the people here. They are retired which my kids will never see that LUXURY, yet you better not make them wait or they will be yelling. "you have friggin nothing to do all day, yet you have no compassion for the desk person doing 3 jobs .. paid for ONE poorly?" Yet this woman I had NO RESPECT for, sounds like she was THOUGHTFUL, kind, responsible and giving .. BEFORE dementia or alzheimers got her! In the morning I was mulling how my daughter has lost all her right brain wiring and my son is on the way to losing much of his. Then with Jimmie Catrer's funeral .. realizing civility and common sense and decency is just GONE, I was very depressed. BUT is it all the same!?? My finally pulled together hypothesis is TOTAL HUMAN Health .. what we need for base quality of life for all, FIXING dumbocracy and greed capitalism. We have destroyed EVERY single thing we need to be HEALTHY as a society. How does that make sense???? It makes sense if my discovery of sugar fried brain is correct!!
Thurs. Jan. 9, 2025, 9:30 pm.
IF I am watching young people I know change .. get selfish and shallow ..AND it looks like old people just are selfish and shallow with ALZHEIMERS .. is that not weird? we never had so many dementad people in the 60's! And we had a brain in govt even in the 90's a little. I think that we have fried HUMANS BRAIN with our STUPID shallow "progress" devoid of any contemplation of CONSEQUENCES. Why did we use components in my coat at 6 yers later fall into tiny pieces. Those chemicals get I the air and water! You think we do not have a horrid toxic soup we are (swimming) breathing in?
My theory is right (mcGilchrist's but caused by sugar and toxins) and old people did not escape it .. Their mind is REALLY gone to alzhemers, like young people, selfish and shallow to the ultimate. Can we STOP, quit the crap and save humanity. Or is our brain really gone? If you listen to us troublesome thinkers and DO WHAT WE SAY .. we could say humans from extinction. End times will be zombies in digital dystopia. Would you rather try to keep us Rihght brain THINKER Humans? Jimmie Carter saw ALL of this NONSENSE in the 70's! Did we listen? WE start listening to THINKERS NOW immediately .. or we DIE. Maybe we will burn like LA .. I thought just be ugly like those space movies. oh dear. will you listen learn and boycott .. or die in horror?
Jimmie's funeral and the stupidity of arguing LA fires are NOT climate change .. made me very despairing. Thank god ABC's 20/20 on Luigi was AWESOME! The best most BALANCED REPORTING in forever! Made me very hopeful. Please help me make this happened young people. Your future depends on us using our THINKING brain again BEFORE acting!
WAIT .. my daughter is so much WORSE .. the toxins have fried her brain worse too! We really do have a CONTAGIOUS BRAIN CANCER that is ravenously devouring the good wiring as it fills the brain with foam.
Thurs. Jan 9, 2025, 7:00 am
To undersatnd Humans you MUST read McGilchrist! We are divided and demonize because we no longer have a BALANCED BRAIN. The toxins of our stupid shallow "progress" caring only for profit and excess, has destroyed our brain wiring. Is our Right Thinking hemisphere wiring more sensitive than our Left ACTION wiring. It seems how we worship doers more than "lazy" thinkers that too many have lost the FIRST TRHINK part of their brain!
OMG .. This also ties to my ONION analogy. I always want to question "But's .." until you get to the HEART of the onion and hopefully the TRUTH or FAIRNESS. Huh? Is Truth hard to find because it is many things?? Like I guess from outside I would SEEM "egotistical" but that is just so not true! Because I remain focused on my obsession (making things more FAIR for everyone) I guess to a Left brain (Action Warrior) I seem ONLY to look like I believe I am SO COOL. I joke that I am god or a dictator making the world WORK BETTER, or joke I am a GENIUS.
HAH! Maybe I do that because I have known for decades I am an IDIOT who can not even keep a place organized or bills paid. I had to find SOMETHING I was good at. 😢 I am good at CONNECTING things, finding causes thru incessant questioning and "But's .. " ! An onion has layers that connect at the heart. if we want to REALLY solve problems vs BANDAID simple "solutions" of profit, we need to take time to get to the heart of the onion .. or to UNDERSTAND the WHOLE PROBLEM. Instead we grab the shell. Left brains only grab the 2 outer shells. Republicans conservatives the crackle shell, woke? Liberals grab the inner elastic skin and then they SCREAM at each other.
Meantime us THOUGHTFUL Right brains are more quiet as we try to actually UNDERSTAND the problem. Life is a conveyor belt of onions as problems. Contemplating the probelm(onion) is like working thru all the layers down to the heart or REAL CONNECTED SOLUTION! We have been ONLY grabbing the crackle onion shells or elastic skin and then hating on each other with those FIRST opposing ideas. Maybe "woke" people (screaming liberals, not REAL liberals) they only grab the inner elastic layer .. the "on second thought" layer? All is DUAL in life BOTH .. AND.. so now you have to work further in the onion problem until you find the REAL solution, INCLUDING CAUSE! (Notice how our POWER Structure NEVER looks for cause. Finding the CAUSE of a problem brings NO PROFIT. Finding "cause" that can be REMOVED, only costs research time and money. Seeking causes for problems is not "capitalism". Guess it is just being a HUMAN .. a decent FAIR human.
Fri. Jan 3, 2025, 1:00 pm.
NORMAL natural (God made?) HUMANS have brain wiring that lets them THINK ..contemplate, wonder, imagine, invent, that is their RIGHT Hemisphere. But we also have a connecting Left hemisphere, that lets us ACT to carry out the plan to DO what we need. REAL solutions only come when we THINK before we do. WE used to do that BALANCE, but in the 50's this began to wain. I suggest that balancing our think vs Act brain wiring more and more quickly began to decline over the last 50 years of the 1900's.
By 2000 and the take over of the internet .. THINKING carefully before DOING was no longer in FASHION.🙈 Without NORMAL thinking wondering and questioning to find the BEST solution society declines and is now in full on DECAY. The Collapse of every one of our DIVIDED systems has arrived. My new SYSTEM of ORDER is based on the flaws of destroying our brain wiring with the toxins of "progress". If those whodo NOT think before acting will LISTEN to those of us who do still think .. perhaps we can save ourselves? But today .. no one listens
bukholtz 2014! good vs evil brain behaviour .. by Carey Goldberg
" In an impulsive person's brain, he says, attention just gets so narrowly focused on an immediate reward that, in effect, the future disappears." OMG!! this is it .. their focus on profit or power make their brain DEVOID of future!!!!!
article proving (Left) brains act IMMEDIATELY, they forget to weigh consequences and costs. If drugs can affect this behaviour .. do we deserve credit for good we do, or blame for doing (crime) BAD??
carey Goldberg 2014.
"So here’s the big question that gives me no peace: If it's all just biology at work, are we still to blame if we commit a crime? And the correlate: Can we still take credit when we do good?
I must confess, I pestered Buckholtz quite a bit on this. Finally, patiently but firmly, he said that these questions keep him up at night, too, but: "These questions of will and credit and blame, while important, are in some sense, above my paygrade. They’re outside the purview of the things that I as a neuroscientist can speak to. And I don’t think that at the end of the day, neuroscience is going to give you a definitive, coherent, final answer about these questions that will make you comfortable."
He suggested asking a philosopher. So I did." amazing article! WOW sir am going PAST McGilchrist and his neuroscience into PHILOSOPHY!! no wonder I have found life so confusing and am now so ANGRY!
So I have been connecting PHYSICAL Health then to stress, then Security (job) feeling valued, belonging, expecting ORDER, TRUST, FAIRness when all this psychology plus sociology biology, geography (cosmic) is really PHILOSOPHY!! I first got interested in philosophy maybe 25 years ago .. but then forgot about it again. Why are we not taught ALL these things in High school so we might find our area of FASCINATION!!?? I swear if I ran the world .. because of all my QUESTIONS wanting answers to make everything WORK RIGHT .. yes .. I REALLY could make the world work better!! Nobody else is so obsessive and NOT focused on just getting a REAL JOB done! you know like here is the project .. put it into action. To me one problem opens 8 avenues of answers! Hah .. just like to Faucci a virus = a vax, for me ABNORMAL in today;s STUPID WORLD I want to know the effect of each possibility. I doubt I EVER would have isolated everybody. Way too abnormal .. we need closeness and even hugs! 5 years later we still do not know if ok to hug!??
"If you do something on purpose and you know what you’re doing, and you did it for reasons good, bad or indifferent, then your brain made you do it," he says. "Of course. And it doesn’t follow that you were not the author of that deed. Why? Because you are your embodied brain." Dennet .. same article
sorry we have to kill you.
Hr is a new ALTERNATIVE .. since you steal all the money .. never worried about FAIR .. you can use YOUR MONEY to keep yourself CONTAINED in an asylum PRISON! Stay away from us! but we get to use those resources you STOLE .. like all the oil and chemicals for batteries etc.
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